
How to make the most of your relationships, personally and professionally

Trish Murphy

Trish is a qualified and accredited psychotherapist, trainer, and offers counselling and therapy in couples counselling, sexual intimacy and individual psychotherapy.

Trish has appeared as a commentator on Prime Time, The Afternoon Show, Frontline, Live at 3, and teenage programmes on RTE. She is also a regular contributor to the print media in national newspapers, including a weekly column in The Irish Times. She is also the author of two books ‘#Love: 21st Century Relationships’ and ‘The Challenge of Retirement’. 

Join our conversation as we explore the role of psychotherapy, relationships during lockdown, the role of sexual intimacy, approaching retirement, and relationships for teenagers.


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2:08 How lockdown 2.0 is affecting Trish’s work schedule and life generally

3:10 Her route into psychotherapy

4:26 The role or purpose of a psychotherapist today

6:21 The role of routine in psychotherapy

8:58 Common problems with communication

10:58 The power of words

12:37 What are the main issues couples tend to present at counselling?

15:23 How  couples and families can cope and give each other space when they’re in lockdown

18:13 About her new book ‘#Love: 21st Century Relationships’

20:00 Why we need to be our whole ourselves before we enter a healthy relationship 

22:18 Life-lessons from failed relationships

24:18 Having good judgement in assessing a potential partner

25:47 We change ourselves, not our partner

27:11 Acting confident vs being confident

30:00 How confronting our small fears helps us overcome our biggest fears

32:41 How children choose friendships

35:52 Advice for online daters during a pandemic

38:34 Having a long-distance relationship

41:52 Using the pandemic as an opportunity

43:10 Healthy couple habits

46:04 Why we seek long-term, stable relationships

48:06 Choosing to be single

50:05 Why people stay in abusive relationships

52:57 Dealing with turmoil and heartbreak

54:32 Loss of physical love in happy long-term relationships

57:09 Reasons why people cheat and have affairs

59:25 When should relationship education, including sex education, start? And for a parent what is the best approach?

1:02:29 School’s role in teaching students practical habits to safeguard their mental health and well-being

1:05:25 Does a lack of social life stunt a teenager’s growth into adulthood?

1:09:02 Advice to parents for their kids during lockdown

1:11:37 “Psychological flexibility” instead of “resilience”

1:12:51 The importance of attitude

1:14:59 Key takeaways from Trish’s first book ‘The Challenge of Retirement’

1:18:33 The impact on society as people are living longer and working longer

1:19:40 Reinventing yourself at retirement

1:21:42 The role of a growth mindset during retirement

1:23:14 Representing and promoting mental health awareness and psychotherapy in the Irish media

Links and resources mentioned in this episode: