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Weekend Business Papers

Weekend Business Papers Subscribe to get the digest of the weekend’s business papers straight to your inbox. 21-07-2024 “I don’t think it’s too early to call it: this will be the largest IT out­age in his­tory.” Troy Hunt, a prom­in­ent secur­ity con­sult­ant, in a social media post reported in the Financial Times. Shay Dalton  All […]

Employee Retention: the Hows and Whys

How we work | 15 February 2024

“Managers need help with three things. First, in helping shift the focus of career conversation from promotion to progression, including allowing employees to develop in different directions. Two, in creating a culture and structure that supports career experiments. Three, in shifting the focus from retaining employees in their specific team, to retaining employees in their entire organisation.”

Mindfulness in the workplace

General | 9 December 2022

Plenty of the shifts we saw to working practices—such as introducing some form of home or hybrid working as standard—have already become accepted as part of the much-touted “new normal”. Others are still evolving, not least when it comes to the relationship between businesses and their employees’ health and wellbeing. One practice that has emerged as potentially pivotal in bridging the gap between personal welfare and workplace performance is that of mindfulness.

How Does Smartphone Use Impact the Workplace?

How we think | 26 April 2024

“It’s not just teenagers who are hooked on their smartphones. In a 2022 Gallup poll, nearly 60% of Americans said they used their phones too often. Meanwhile, people in Ireland spend an average of 4.5 hours on their phone a day. Only 10% of that time is spent talking to someone in a phone conversation. The rest is given over to scrolling. A lot of that scrolling takes place at work.”

Managing an Ageing Workforce

How we think | 12 April 2024

“A multigenerational office dynamic leaves companies best placed to succeed, with older employees working in tandem with younger ones, each bringing their specific skills to the table while learning off one another. And for all the talk of differences between the generations, their values have actually been found to co-align.”

The Role of Financial Services in Combating the Climate Crisis

Climate Crisis | 2 February 2024

“Financial exposure to catastrophic climate events, potential overvaluation of companies in fossil fuel and resource-scarce industries, increased regulation to enforce Sustainable Development Goals, rising shareholder activism, and the rapid increase in consumer scrutiny on corporate behaviour are just some of the issues around which financial institutions need to be wary.”

The Benefits of Thinking Differently

Innovation | 14 June 2024

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently.

If that’s you, lean into your eccentricity –– there is greater value in it than in another empty vessel. If it’s not you, why not seek out the areas in which you are a little left of field? No one of us is the same. Perhaps you’ll find a niche trait there from which you can build.”

The Ethical Minefield of Artificial Intelligence

How we work | 8 March 2024

“Put simply, how to implement artificial intelligence in an ethical manner currently poses more questions than answers, with disagreements over the necessary direction of travel growing increasingly heated. How to handle data privacy, discrimination, deepfake technology, job losses and the environmental impact are all problems in need of solutions.”

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