Category: Leadership Development

Resetting for 2024
“It’s interesting to note that one of the most debated chapters in executive education classes around the world is the concept of “what got you here, won’t get you there”. This simple but powerful idea suggests that while building the first curve of success, it’s important to start thinking about the second curve.”

Press Release: Leadership Masterclass with Jonny Cooper and Minister Paschal Donohoe
“During his masterclass Minister Paschal Donohue was able to impart his depth of knowledge and experience in an intimate manner. From the positive feedback received so far it is evident that our clients and friends walked away with something very special.”

The Differences Between a Performer and a High Performer
“Individuals can be categorised into two groups: performers and high performers. Subtle but significant differences separate the two. Performers are characterised by their commitment, leadership ability, and mindfulness. High performers, meanwhile, possess a clearly defined purpose, a unique capacity for creation, and a deep sense of care.”