Category: Recognition

Outgrowing Validation
“A man can be happy he got a good haircut, but if he makes his hair his defining characteristic then all it takes is nature’s vengeance in the form of male pattern baldness for him to come undone. Enjoy the haircut while you have it. But accept one day that it will go, and that that’s fine too.”

The Progress Principle: or How to Stop Worrying and Celebrate the Small Wins
“Just because you know you should be encouraging, open, attentive, patient and generous doesn’t mean there aren’t times you fall short. How we are on our worst day says a lot more about our character than who we are on our best. So basic as it may seem, try to pay active attention going forward, self-assess. Ask yourself, “am I actually enacting all the positive management traits I know and believe in? Am I practising what I preach? If not, can I start now?””