Category: Leadership

Navigating Change at Twitter (X): Elon Musk’s Leadership and Its Impact on Organisational Culture and Employee Well-being

Written by Aine Gallagher

“Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter instigated significant changes, affecting employee well-being. Musk’s leadership style, blending directive methods with visionary elements, has had dual impacts on staff. His directive approach, focusing on immediate results and structural changes, has potentially heightened employee stress levels. Conversely, Musk’s vision aims to inspire and unite the workforce towards common goals (Tahir, 2015), which might alleviate some of this stress.”

Pioneering Change : A Case Study of Jeff Bezos Transformational Leadership at Amazon

Written by Aine Gallagher

“Bezos’s transformative leadership has undeniably established a new paradigm in business, demonstrating how a leader’s vision can lead to unprecedented success. However, the complexity and scale of Amazon have revealed that such a leadership approach may have limitations, particularly in ensuring ethical labour practices across all levels of the organisation. As Amazon continues to grow, the balance between innovation and the ethical treatment of employees remains a pivotal area for leadership attention.”

Management in Times of Global Conflict

Written by Shay Dalton

“Leaders – even experienced leaders – have not had to deal with the level (and variety) of problems currently facing the world. On top of the conflicts and political unrest, which impact everything from supply chains to employee morale, there have been shifts in the level of engagement businesses are expected to make regarding social issues. Not engaging, or engaging in the wrong way, can quickly prove damaging, maybe even fatal, as many businesses have found out the hard way.”

Santa Claus on a laptop on a plane

Santa Claus: Lessons in Leadership

Written by Shay Dalton

“It’s that time of year where history’s most famous CEO steps up to deliver on his annual project. Santa Claus is a cultural behemoth. Hardly a soul on Earth is unaware of his specific approach to leadership, replete with elves, reindeer, sleighs and coal. But is Santa a good leader? Where does he impress and where could he improve? In what areas can we learn from Santa and in what areas could he perhaps do with updating his approach?”

Leadership in Focus: Foundations and the Path Forward

Leadership in Focus: Foundations and the Path Forward

Written by Shay Dalton

“Much like Rome, which wasn’t built in a day, leadership thrives on a foundation of age-old principles fused with modern foresight. This blend is reminiscent of the principles set forth by legendary strategist Sun Tzu in “The Art of War” – understanding the terrain, knowing oneself, and being fluid in response. Today’s urban jungles, from Tokyo to New York, encapsulate this harmony; they meld historical foundations with skyscrapers of ambition, symbolising the fusion of past wisdom with future vision.”