Category: Productivity

Returning Refreshed: A Comprehensive Guide to a Smooth Post-Holiday Work Transition

Written by Shay Dalton

“Re-entry shock, holiday hangover, call it what you will. For a lot of us it’s hard to not be overwhelmed by the stark transition, harder still to actually hit the ground running. These return periods often result in a drop in productivity, a slump in mood, and a sense of disconnection. But there are ways to avoid the negative spiral a return to work can bring.”

How Does Smartphone Use Impact the Workplace?

Written by Shay Dalton

“It’s not just teenagers who are hooked on their smartphones. In a 2022 Gallup poll, nearly 60% of Americans said they used their phones too often. Meanwhile, people in Ireland spend an average of 4.5 hours on their phone a day. Only 10% of that time is spent talking to someone in a phone conversation. The rest is given over to scrolling. A lot of that scrolling takes place at work.”