The Steering Point Newsletter

Welcome to the Steering Point Newsletter where we aim to bring you the best and most relevant performance advice there is. This mission begins with The 1% Podcast, a source of insights and lessons from some of the best thinkers in their field of performance. We also try to make the best writing on performance available to you with two weekly articles written by the Steering Point team.


What We Recorded

AI – A Doomsday Scenario with Roman Yampolskiy

Roman Yampolskiy, PhD, is a computer scientist and tenured professor at the University of Louisville, where he is currently the director of the Cyber Security Laboratory in the Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science at the Speed School of Engineering. He is an expert on artificial intelligence, with over 100 published papers and books. He was one of the earliest exponents of artificial intelligence safety and remains a pre-eminent figure in the field. 

His latest book, ‘AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable’, explores the unpredictability of AI outcomes, the difficulty in explaining AI decisions, and the potentially unsolvable nature of the AI control problem, as well as delving into more theoretical topics like personhood and consciousness in relation to artificial intelligence, and the potential hazards further AI developments might bring in the years to come.

Listen to the Full Podcast

Podcast Highlights

The Pros of AI

“It’s free labour, everything you want for economic growth. You have trillions of dollars worth of untapped value. Whatever physical or cognitive assistance you need.”

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Controlling AI

“There is no problem .in making more capable AI systems. The problem is we don’t know how to control them.”

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Humankind Vs Superintelligence

“If humans are smarter, it makes sent to integrate something into your brain to give you more powers, connection to internet, more capabilities. If the systems are smarter, why would we be part of it?”

Watch Highlight

What We Wrote

The Power of Likeability

“Understanding the essence of likeability can significantly alter our interactions both personally and professionally. Psychology unveils subconscious triggers that influence our perception of others. By grasping these mechanisms, we can refine our approachability and establish stronger bonds.”

By Steering Point Founder & Partner, Shay Dalton

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This is water

“We live immersed in the water of our daily routines, oblivious to its very existence until someone points it out. The “water” in our lives could be anything –– the ability to have a meaningful conversation, the beauty of a sunrise, the simple act of breathing, all these cosmically miraculous aspects of the human experience that we steadfastly fail to recognise.”

By Steering Point Founder & Partner, Shay Dalton

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What We Read

The One Phrase That Can Transform Your Effectiveness at Work

How-social Media Data Secretly Reveals your Personality to Hiring Managers

What’s the big idea?