Steering Point Articles

Overcoming News Fatigue

Written by Shay Dalton

“As noted in the Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications, “research has confirmed the mental health impact of news consumption. One study found heightened anxiety, even sadness, in people who watched negative news-related material, such as bulletins, after only minutes”. For citizens who want to remain engaged, then, there exists a quandary: do you sacrifice your own well-being out of a sense of civic duty, or do you cut down on your consumption, willfully opting for the bliss of ignorance?”

You’re Not Perfect, So Stop Trying To Be

Written by Shay Dalton

“It becomes an endless loop. Perfectionism brings a person dissatisfaction – maybe even depression or suicidal ideation – so they go to a therapist to fix the problem. They want to get rid of the depression, they say, but they don’t want to lose the perfectionism that contributes to it as they believe it offers them something essential. It’s like going to a personal trainer and demanding they help you lose weight while telling them you have no intention of cutting the daily fast food, sugary drinks and excessive alcohol from your diet. Something’s gotta give.”

The Power of Team Clusters: A People-Centric Approach to Innovation

Written by Shay Dalton

“Based on principles of organisational psychology, a “team cluster” is a group of people with unique strengths who work together to create an environment that fosters innovation and high performance, according to Sundstrom et al. (2000). This approach differs from the traditional “superstar” model, which relies on one exceptionally talented individual to drive success. Instead, it suggests that a team made up of consistently above-average members is more likely to achieve optimal performance.”

The Role of Empathy in the Workplace: Impact and Implications

Written by Shay Dalton

“In a rapidly evolving socio-economic landscape punctuated by significant disruptions such as the global pandemic, the concept of emotional intelligence, specifically empathy, has become increasingly relevant within professional environments. Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is now viewed as a key leadership trait and an essential component of effective team dynamics.”

Professional Meaning: Why it’s Important and How to Find it

Written by Shay Dalton

“What we do does define us. Look no further than the first question directed your way by any small talk specialist at a party: what do you do? The question has a more pronounced meaning than simply what is your career. It’s designed to get a sense of what that profession says about you – your class, education, status, salary.”

Refining Performance Assessments: Reducing Recency Bias for Superior Evaluations

Written by Shay Dalton

“A noteworthy bias often overshadowing the review process is recency bias, tending to replace objective judgement with the impact of recent happenings. This piece delves into the depth of recency bias within the context of performance evaluations, its implications, and the ways to mitigate its influence. Our investigation draws on a wealth of insights from organisational psychology research and successful industry practices.”

The Emerging Power of HRDs: A Paradigm Shift in the Corporate Hierarchy

Written by Shay Dalton

“In this revealing blog post, we explore why, contrary to these predictions, HRDs have emerged as key players in the corporate hierarchy and how they’ve successfully carved a niche for themselves at both C-Level and D-Level. The narrative that unfolds is a testament to the unexpected evolution of power dynamics in the corporate world.”

The Office Window Seat: A Scientific Explanation for its Popularity

Written by Shay Dalton

“The coveted office window seat has been the subject of much debate and envy among coworkers. But why is it so popular? As it turns out, science has a lot to say about our preference for this prime piece of real estate. From enhancing productivity and creativity to benefiting physical health, the perks of a window seat go far beyond the view.”

Rules for Top Executives: Mastering the Art of Job Offer Negotiation

Written by Shay Dalton

“As the sun sets behind the opulent stadiums, top-level athletes and their agents are huddled in boardrooms, fiercely negotiating their futures. The stakes are high, and the pressure is palpable. But negotiating a job offer isn’t a skill reserved solely for sports stars; it’s just as crucial for C-level and D-level executives.”