
Unleash Your Inner CEO

Jeremy Blain

Today’s guest has undertaken some interesting and unique work in organisational leadership. Jeremy Blain is the Chief Executive of PerformanceWorks International – an organisation that accelerates business and workforce transformation through award-winning training, hands-on consultation and executive coaching. 

Jeremy is the author of The Inner CEO – Unleashing Leaders At All Levels. It is an excellent piece of work which focuses entirely on developing leaders right across an organisation; not just at senior levels of management. 

Jeremy challenges leaders to define and implement strategies around digital and human capital change within businesses, and – more than anything else – make sure they are fit and ready to be the right kind of leader for their organisation.


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02:40 Workplace practices and culture were due a big change

03:50 Jeremy’s background

06:51 Some common traits Jeremy sees in the leadership landscape

09:12 On writing ‘The Inner CEO: Unleashing Leaders at All Levels’

14:55 Why gig economy workers should be more networked in organisations

18:42 Henry Mintzberg’s idea of emergent strategy

23:10 What makes great leadership

26:12 How Jeremy’s insights can help company’s retain great talent

30:40 How to ensure high performance through a supportive role

36:19 How public service frontline organisations can embrace performance support

42:02 Mindset shifts needed for traditional CEOs

46:01 On authentic leadership

50:14 The opportunities of working with multiple generations

55:42 The most important traits and skills for leaders

01:01:09 Representation amongst the workforce

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