
Expedition stories across the world, mental fortitude and well-being

Paul Gleeson

Paul is an performance coach, part time adventurer, public speaker and founder of Turas consulting. He has cycled coast to coast across Australia, rowed across the Atlantic Ocean and has also rowed through the North West Passage in the Canadian High Arctic. Author of the book “Crossing the Swell”, he was honoured by his hometown as Limerick Person of the Year in 2006.

In this episode, we deep dive into some of Paul’s experiences on his many expeditions, we talk about mental fortitude, mindset, and his current work with Turas Consulting.


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1:15 Introducing Paul Gleeson and his major accomplishments

2:00 Paul’s background and upbringing

5:00 Paul’s past in the world of finance

7:00 The power of language

9:00 Body/mind connections

12:45 Inspirational books

14:45 Paul’s first big trip: cycling across Australia

20:35 The Talisker Atlantic Row

24:40 The departure

27:00 Ocean conditions on the Atlantic

30:35 Keeping their spirits up

33:00 The impact of the trip

35:10 Changing your life

40:14 The 3rd person on the boat

44:15 The beauty of the ocean

48:05 Turas Consulting

50:43 Immersive learning

55:25 Learning by doing

58:00 Purpose

58:48 Changes seen in teams

1:00:58 Reaching your potential

1:04:41 Love conquers fear

1:06:05 Emotional and mental health

1:08:44 Priming tools

1:12:46 Digital + interactive technology

1:15:17 Connecting with nature

1:17:40 Studies in psychology

1:21:08 Rowing through the Northwest Passage

1:23:21 Preparing for the Northwest Passage

1:27:07 Outside navigators

1:29:34 The impact of climate change

1:32:06 The status of today’s sea ice

1:35:30 The economic impact of climate change

1:38:50 Fear

1:41:06 Impending fatherhood

1:43:40 Advice to young people