Steering Point Articles

Thinking Under Pressure: Lessons we can Learn from Aviation

Written by Jonny Cooper

“We know aviation is characterised by strict safety protocols, rapid technological advancements, global connectivity, and the diverse weather conditions it operates in. Ensuring safe and efficient air travel in an ecosystem that demands precision, adaptability, communication, trust and collaboration across multiple agencies. It is ever-evolving.”

Crafting Success: Strategic Management in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Written by Aine Gallagher

“SMEs rely on strategy to survive and grow the business whilst larger corporations draw on their strategies to maintain market dominance and enhance operations. SME’s account for 99% of active enterprises and 70% of employment in Ireland. The external environment for SMEs is rapidly evolving due to globalisation and technological changes. This advancement is intensifying competition among SMEs. Given these changes, a critical question emerges: what is the significance of strategy for SMEs in this competitive landscape?”

Manifestation: Life-Changing Practice or New Age Gaga?

Written by Shay Dalton

“One of the key upsides of manifestation is its resultant positive thoughts. By manifesting, and thus seeing themselves as successful, people are more likely to feel positive about themselves and their abilities, and as such generate further positive thoughts that bring further success. A cycle of mental positivity, like one of negativity, can be hard to break.”

Employee Retention: the Hows and Whys

Written by Shay Dalton

“Managers need help with three things. First, in helping shift the focus of career conversation from promotion to progression, including allowing employees to develop in different directions. Two, in creating a culture and structure that supports career experiments. Three, in shifting the focus from retaining employees in their specific team, to retaining employees in their entire organisation.”

What is the “Fresh Start Effect” and how can we use it to our Advantage?

Written by Shay Dalton

“We compartmentalise time according to personal experiences, and each new personal experience in turn opens up a new mental accounting period. Studies show that it is at the start of these newly formed mental accounting periods that we are most likely to pursue our aspirations – and most likely to have success doing so.”